Si vous ne fumez pas, ne vapez pas

Si vous ne fumez pas, ne vapez pas
You are fans of the clearomizer Zenith Pro from Innokin? Discover its improved version, the Zenith 2!
Wider than its precursor, the Zenith 2 measures 26 mm in diameter and has a large tank capacity of 5.5 ml. This clearomizer is aimed at the largest number of vapers thanks to its great versatility that allows you to vaper as much in direct inhalation (RDL) as indirect (MTL). The adjustable airflow will allow you to adjust the draw for a more or less airy vape. Side filling, it will be done from above in a very simple and improved. The Zenith 2 is adorned by a drip tip 510 ultem (included)but it will be possible to interchange it with the DL drip tip also delivered with
The Zenith 2 is compatible with Zenith & Zlide resistors and comes with two Zenith coils (0.3 and 0.8 ohms).