You have about 04 H : 04 M : 38 S to be delivered Thursday 

Secure payment

logo of our payment methods: Mastercard, Visa, Twint, PostFinance, Swissbilling, Virement Bancaire, American Express, Maestro
logo of our payment methods: Mastercard, Visa, Twint, PostFinance, Swissbilling, Virement Bancaire, American Express, Maestro
Credit Card

You wish to pay by CB/Visa/Mastercard/Maestro

The payment is made on the secure bank server of our partner Concardis. This implies that no banking information concerning you is transmitted via the Freevap site.

All information exchanged to process the payment is encrypted using SSL protocol.

This data cannot be detected, intercepted or used by third parties. It is not stored on our computer systems either.

Payment by credit card is therefore perfectly secure; your order will be recorded and validated as soon as payment is accepted.


You wish to pay by Twint

With the Twint application, you can easily make payments with a QR code system directly on your smartphone.

Twint attaches particular importance to security and data protection. Twint's Swiss partner banks guarantee complete data protection. 

Twint partner banks: UBS, Postfinance, Credit Suisse, BCV, Raiffeisen, Zürcher Kantonalbank, BCGE...


PAYMENT WITH INVOICE WITHIN 30 DAYS with our Partner swissbilling.

Swissbilling SA is a service provider, that allows you to receive your order with an invoice in a simple and secure way.

The Invoice will be sent from swissbilling separately from your order, per email or regular mail, depending on your choice. swissbilling’s services are based on a fix fee and your maximum order for the first purchase is CHF 500.00. The invoice is payable within 30 days.

For security matters, shipping address and billing address must be identical. swissbilling keeps the right to have a credit check control done through it’s partner CRIF AG in Zurich (Tel.: 044 913 50 50,

NB : Swissbilling issues the invoice (with QR code) 48 hours after validation of the order. An email will be sent to you within this period.


You wish to pay with your Postfinance card 

Postfinance protects your online payments with a multi-level firewall, encryption and automatic transaction monitoring.

Make your purchases with peace of mind on the site, your banking data will be encrypted to protect you.

Payment by PostFinance is perfectly secure: your order will be registered and validated as soon as payment is accepted.

You can pay by Postfinance card or by Postfinance bank transfer.

Bank transfer

You wish to pay by bank transfer

When ordering on the website, you can also pay by bank transfer. 

After placing your order by selecting this option, you will receive your order number and our bank account number.

In order to proceed, the amount to be paid must be transferred to our account. While waiting for the transfer, your products will be put aside for 8 days and sent once the payment is validated.

Please note: transfer in CHF only.

