Company name: PLAYSURE SA
Registered office: Boulevard des Tranchées 46, 1206 Geneva, Switzerland
Inscription to the registry of commerce: 31/07/2013
Legal form: Public limited company under Swiss law with a capital of CHF 100,000
Registered office: Geneva
CH-ID: CH-660.2.098.013-4
UID: CHE-189.704.451
Director of publication: Rémy Pignier
E-mail address:
Phone number : +41225187629
Web hosting:
Company name: Ascanio SARL
Address: 19 chemin des près - 38240 Meylan - France
Intellectual property:
The website "" and all content available on it are protected by intellectual property rights. Any reproduction, even partial (text or photo), of the contents is strictly prohibited without the prior consent of the company that owns the before mentioned website.
The sale of electronic cigarettes and/or vape juices with or without nicotine to minors is prohibited.