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E-liquids and Nicotine: the Freevap guide to understand everything

What is a e-liquid made of?

E-liquids are usually made of 3 ingredients : the base, which contains 2 of the main e-liquids components (propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine), food flavourings dedicated to inhalation, and nicotine (or not).

Nicotine in your e-liquid is essential for a successful transition. Some e-liquids can contain a slight amount of alcohol and purified water, but this is becoming increasingly rare. We can also find some flavour enhancers or freshness agents.

Composition of an electronic cigarette e-liquid
Propylene Glycol

Propylene Glycol, also known as PG, is a key component of a e-liquid. Its rate can change from a e-liquid to another.

PG’s main role is to boost aromas and highlight them for a tasty result, and also to generate the “HIT” in your throat, which is important to mimic the sensation of a cigarette.

Fluid and non-viscous, it usually brings a slight sweetness. PG does not have any toxicity when inhaled or swallowed.

Caution: the more PG a e-liquid has, the more “Hit” you will feel in your throat, and the more fluid your e-liquid will be. It’s important to use the right atomizer to prevent any leakage (tight airflow and ohm value > 1 ohm if PG > 50 %).

Do not confuse with Ethylene glycol (car’s coolant and antifreeze), they are not the same products at all.

Did you know?

PG has antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is common to see it in consumer goods and we often swallow some in our daily life (toothpaste, cosmetics, food materials (E1520), ventolin for asthma, smoke machines in nightclubs or theatres…)

Vegetable glycerine

Vegetable Glycerine, also known as VG, is the second major feature composing the base in a e-liquid.

With PG, VG creates a balance thanks to its viscosity which helps with steam production. However, it is way more gentle in your throat, and won’t deliver the throat hit by itself. VG is colourless, odourless and lightly sweet. Unlike PG, VG is thick.

Did you know?

Just like PG, we can find VG in our consumer goods : in food materials (E422), in pharmaceuticals, and a lot in cosmetics, as a moisturizer and humectant.


Aromas are important to give a e-liquid the expected taste. Without aromas, your e-liquid will be “vapable”, but tasteless. So their role is crucial in the sensations that the e-liquid will give you.

They represent 15% of the composition of a e-liquid.

In most of the cases, aromas are food quality materials, and specially analysed and made for inhalation.

They can be synthetic, or natural. In both cases, health hazard is the same, close to 0%.


Here in the form of a liquid, it’s the addictive substance of a tobacco cigarette.

Nicotine will give you the throat hit sensation, in addition to the PG one. Nicotine is available in several rates, to stick to each and every smoker type (each and every one got his own addiction standard).

Caution ! It’s not because you start with a high nicotine rate that you won’t succeed to wean yourself. Take your time and slowly lower your nicotine rate, and you will get there easily !

Don’t see nicotine as a dangerous material. If it makes you addict, it’s not the one that will kill you. Vaping will help you to get rid of substances that are toxic for your body, while reducing your addiction.

The different e-liquid tastes

Quite often, when we start vaping, we tend to get a e-liquid that will taste like a cigarette. So usually, a classical tobacco flavour !

Classic flavour e-liquid (tobacco)

Classic Flavours

Tobacco lovers, you’ll find your happiness ! Brown, blond, sweet or dry, one of these e-liquids will suit you ! You can even give in to your gourmet tobacco urges…

Fruity flavour e-liquid

Fruity Flavours

With the fruity e-liquids, vape some punchy mixes ! Orchard fruits, exotic fruits or berries, pick your favorite according to the season !

Gourmet flavour e-liquid

Gourmet Flavours

Custard, caramel, candies and cakes, gourmet flavors will drive you mad ! There are hundreds of gourmet e-liquids to vape everyday !

Fresh flavour e-liquid

Fresh Flavours

These e-liquids will give you a refreshing sensation. It can be mint, or a fresh e-liquid without even a mint taste, everybody will find his favorite ! !

Drink flavoured e-liquid

Drink Flavours

Be kind to your taste buds thanks to some delicious drink aromas : coffee, tea, milk-shake or cocktail, there’s one for everybody !

What are nicotine boosters made for?

When we talk about e-liquids with nicotine, we always talk about 10ml e-liquids.

A European law (TPD2) bans e-liquids with nicotine containing more than 10ml, on the european territory.

To solve this problem, one solution : nicotine boosters ! It is a e-liquid containing only a base PG/VG with 20mg nicotine, without any aromas.

Then, you will find numerous “large size” e-liquids (more than 10ml), all without nicotine, but slightly overdosed with aromas in order to add 1 or several boosters to give this e-liquid some nicotine. Isn’t it great?

It exists in several versions :

50ml in 60ml

Shortfill recipe with 50 ml booster in 60 ml

With this vial, get 3mg nicotine by adding a booster

40ml in 60ml

Shortfill recipe with 40 ml booster in 60 ml

With this vial, get 6mg nicotine by adding two boosters

20ml in 30ml

Shortfill recipe with 20 ml booster in 30 ml Shortfill recipe with 20 ml booster in 30 ml

With this version, you can get 3mg nicotine by adding half a booster, and 6mg with a complete booster

40ml in 70ml

Shortfill recipe with 40 ml booster in 70 ml

With this vial, get 9mg nicotine by adding 3 boosters

For nicotine rates over 6/9mg in a large size, you’ll need an empty large size vial to be able to add the right number of boosters in order to get the nicotine rate you want.

Did you know ?

Health standards

Always performing in health standards and e-liquids analysis, our french neighbours are ahead the other countries when it comes to manufacture high-end e-liquids.

Some of them like Gaiatrend (Alfaliquid), Vincent Dans les Vapes, Lips (Le French Liquide), Green Liquides (Green Vapes, Black Sheep) and some other ones are the world’s cleanest e-liquid brands.

Vapologic Nicotine

Vincent Dans les Vapes (VDLV, Cirkus), one of the biggest french e-liquid manufacturer at the forefront of innovation and health standards, grows their own tobacco to take the nicotine out of it. That’s a first in the world, with tobacco plants dedicated to vaping in order to get the best of their potential !

Bravo, you made it to the end of the guide. Congratulations for your action, your body will appreciate !

If this guide wasn’t enough for you, and you need more informations, don’t hesitate to call our customer service +41(0)225290836 or send us an email at

It will be a pleasure to go along with you in this challenge.

