Kiwi Vapor is today an essential brand when it comes to electronic cigarettes. Born in Italy, Kiwi Vapor quickly made a name for itself and fulfilled its objective: to offer smokers an innovative and top-of-the-range electronic cigarette model so that their smoking experience is pleasant, but above all successful!
Kiwi Vapor: the high-end vape inspired by the apple brand
Kiwi Vapor is the first vaping device brand to develop a cigarette filter type mouthpiece, so that the mouthfeel is the same as with a cigarette. But that's not all: their best seller (Kiwi Stratter Kit) is of impeccable quality, with exceptional ergonomics. Kiwi offers multiple advantages compared to the classic e-cigarettes that we all know: incredible autonomy thanks to its powerbank allowing you to see the battery in all situations, a revolutionary and patented magnet system, and a design purified in tune with the times (and its vibe!).
The first electronic cigarette ideal for new vapers!
Kiwi Vapor has achieved a masterstroke with its flagship kit: making vaping more accessible to everyone, while being sexy. The Italians offer a whole ecosystem: spare parts, separate elements, various and varied accessories... Enough to ensure excellent longevity for your vape, but also the possibility of customizing your vape with different colors.